Monday, November 30, 2015

The Meaning of Advent

The meaning of Advent:

Advent means the coming or expected arrival.  It is a time of preparation.  The Old Testament prophets prepared 333 prophecies of Jesus coming.  In the New Testament times their prophecies were carried to fulfillment in the Birth of the Savior.  John the Baptist reminded us to Prepare the way for the Lord.  (Matthew 3:3)

At Christmas, we are preparing for Christ's coming as well.  We prepare our hearts as we seek to focus on the real meaning of Christmas: Jesus is with us.  Emmanuel means "God is with us."  We are preparing our homes to reflect our joy in this season----festive, warm, inviting.

We are preparing gifts for loved ones in other places and preparing for reunions with family members for whom we've been separated.

But we are not the only ones preparing.  God has been preparing Christmas for us.  He has gone to great lengths to establish a setting, a name, a prophet and a women.--each incident a part of His unfolding plan to bring to us Someone Who would save us from our sins.  The Advent Wreath allows us to focus each week on the real meaning of Christmas.  Each week you light one candle in the wreath as you take time to share the wonderful truths of Christmas, the real meaning.
You don't need a wreath or candles only a heart for Christmas, a heart wanting to prepare your family to take a deeper look into the Christmas Account.

Here are some questions you can ask today.

In what ways did God prepare you for the coming of Christ into your life?

How did He use people and circumstances to prepare you to receive His gift of salvation?

Before sending my kiddos off to school I asked them to pray for one person they thought needed Jesus.
My plan is to allow them to give a special gift to that person before Christmas along with a note that tells them that they have been prayed for this season.

What other ideas could you come up with that will help your kids to focus outward this Christmas season?  Comment below, maybe your idea will help another family.